Regulatory Compliance

Global and Regional Regulations

> Around the world, regulations mandate that all new buildings—both domestic and non-domestic—undergo energy assessments before construction can commence.

In the Middle east, the UAE's Estidama Pearl Rating System, the Dubai Green Building Code (Al Sa’afat), and KSA’s Saudi Green Building Forum guidelines require strict compliance.

And globally; this includes the UK’s Part L Regulations and Scotland’s Section 6 & 7 Regulations.

A building energy specialist must evaluate the design using standardized methodologies to demonstrate compliance with these regulations. The results of these assessments are then submitted to relevant authorities as part of the approval process. 

What makes our approach different? We do your models from the very start of the project meaning you can get the benefit of better design decision to save capital costs.

Plus, if you are a designer, our expertise means we take the pain of compliance away for even the most complex of projects. Our skills and engineering expertise makes compliance easy, letting you focus on what you do best – engineering and design.

Different procedures are outlined for domestic and non-domestic buildings, as detailed below.

ASHRAE 90.1 Modelling

Suitable for compliance projects across the Middle East this process follows the ASHRAE standard for baseline building creation. Using specifications suited to the specific green building code credential sought,  the model is analysed to prove a certain percentage improvement which translates to compliance and/or certification credits.

Domestic Energy Assessments (SAP and Local Equivalents)

The Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) is a widely adopted methodology for calculating the energy performance of dwellings. This rating is based on energy costs associated with space heating, water heating, ventilation, and lighting, minus the cost savings from renewable technologies.

Non-Domestic Energy Assessments (SBEM/DSM and Local Equivalents)

The Simplified Building Energy Model (SBEM) is used to calculate energy performance in non-domestic buildings. For more complex structures, approved dynamic simulation modelling (DSM) software is employed. These methodologies compare CO2 emissions, ensuring the emissions from the 'actual' building do not exceed those from the 'notional' (benchmark) building, in line with regulatory requirements.

Ensuring Compliance

If compliance is not initially achieved, Elevation Carbon will provide expert advice and cost-effective solutions to ensure regulatory standards are met. Upon completion of this process, we will issue a series of detailed reports for submission to the relevant authorities, enabling construction to proceed.

Working with us ensures your project meets global and regional energy and carbon standards, facilitating smooth approval processes and sustainable building practices.