Operational Energy

> The CIBSE TM54 methodology addresses the increasing awareness that buildings in operation often do not match the energy performance predicted by their designers. This discrepancy can affect both energy costs and emissions.

As energy costs rise and the risk of carbon tax gets ever more real, building owners are becoming more conscious of this issue. Many invest in low energy buildings, subscribing to programs that rate their design, only to find that their 'low energy design' results in typical energy bills. While low energy designs generally outperform older buildings, there is often a mismatch between the expected and actual energy performance, known as the ‘performance gap’.

Estimating energy consumption before construction can highlight areas where actual energy use may exceed estimates. Addressing these areas at the concept design stage allows for early identification and resolution of issues, making alterations more cost-effective and easier to implement. This approach enhances energy efficiency and reduces utility bills for occupants.

Our team of building physicists utilizes dynamic simulation software to provide detailed analysis of both regulated and in-use operational energy performance. Engaging with us at the concept design stage helps ensure the delivery of low energy buildings that achieve the desired energy performance.

Global Impact and Value

Our application of the CIBSE TM54 methodology ensures that your building performs as intended, bridging the gap between design expectations and operational reality.

Our business is founded by energy and building services experrts, and by integrating our expertise early in the design process, we support the creation of truly energy-efficient buildings, enhancing sustainability and reducing costs for building owners worldwide.

This proactive approach not only meets but exceeds the performance standards set by global sustainability frameworks, such as local code requirements, BREEAM, LEED and Estidama, ensuring compliance and promoting environmental stewardship.