Net Zero Carbon

> The construction industry has a key role to play in ensuring local, regional, and global targets are achieved. It has therefore been highlighted as a sector where change is required in the near-term future.

Most new build developments being constructed today do not achieve Net Zero status, primarily as regulation does not yet require such standards to be achieved.

In the built environment, the term Net Zero Carbon has various definitions. Some focus on the carbon reduction associated with regulated operational energy usage, others look towards unregulated in-use energy usage, while some favour the whole-life carbon emissions related to a building (i.e. The UK Green Building Council).

A transition to Net Zero is achievable; however, it requires a significant shift from the typical fabric, heating, and renewables strategies being utilized at present. From initial project stages, we help our clients understand the impact and benefits of achieving Net Zero Carbon and identify key aspects which should be considered as early as the concept design stage.

Being able to assess the predicted carbon emissions of a new build development is a key part of the design process. With our extensive experience and expertise in energy assessment, dynamic simulation modeling, and whole-life carbon analysis, we use a variety of techniques to create detailed energy models, allowing us to propose suitable measures that achieve a Net Zero Carbon standard.

This process takes into account a wide range of influencing factors such as the building geometry, orientation, shading from neighboring properties, fabric insulation, window and door performance, different types of heating/cooling systems and their efficiencies, cooling and heating controls, lighting, thermal mass of the building, air leakage rates, ventilation, hot water storage efficiencies, together with different renewable technologies and their individual efficiency and carbon influences.

We work closely with our clients and design teams to help deliver on their Net Zero ambitions. Engaging with an independent consultant to develop fully optimized, Net Zero Carbon solutions from the outset will ultimately save time, money, and of course, energy.