Energy Advisory

> As a developer, I need comprehensive oversight of energy and carbon management to ensure my projects meet key sustainability criteria and comply with relevant regulations.

As part of your team, we oversee and review design compliance, manage energy and carbon scopes, and provide detailed reporting and compliance documentation.

Comprehensive Energy and Carbon Management

Our Energy Adviser service ensures that your development’s energy and carbon performance is optimized from the outset. We provide:

Energy and Carbon Oversight: We monitor and manage your project's energy consumption and carbon emissions, ensuring adherence to sustainability goals and regulatory requirements.

Scope Management: We define and manage the energy and carbon scope for your projects, including both operational and embodied carbon.

Compliance Reporting: We prepare detailed reports and documentation to ensure your project complies with local and international standards, such as UK Building Regulations, LEED, Estidama, and other green building certifications.

Integration with Design Teams

As part of your client team, we work closely with design teams to ensure compliance with key sustainability criteria. Our services include:

Design Team Oversight: We provide ongoing oversight of the design team’s work, ensuring that energy and carbon performance targets are met.

Review of Energy Models: Our experts review energy models and simulations to ensure accuracy and alignment with project goals and standards.

Sustainability Criteria Compliance: We ensure that all design decisions comply with the relevant sustainability criteria, providing recommendations for improvement where necessary.

Advanced Technical Support

Our team leverages advanced tools and methodologies to provide unparalleled technical support:

Dynamic Simulation Modelling (DSM):

We use DSM to create detailed energy models, predicting energy consumption and identifying areas for improvement.

Whole Life Carbon Assessments: We conduct comprehensive assessments to understand and mitigate the carbon impact throughout the project’s lifecycle.

Real-Time Monitoring: We implement systems for real-time monitoring of energy use and carbon emissions, allowing for proactive management and adjustments.

Enhancing Project Value

By integrating our Energy Adviser service into your project team, we ensure that your development is not only compliant with sustainability standards but also optimized for energy efficiency and carbon performance. This enhances the value of your project, attracting investors and occupants who prioritize sustainability.

Why Choose Us

Our Energy Adviser service delivers expert oversight of energy and carbon management for developers, ensuring compliance, efficiency, and sustainability. By working as part of your client team, we provide comprehensive support from design to completion, reviewing energy models, managing scopes, and ensuring adherence to key sustainability criteria.

Trust Elevation Carbon to enhance your project’s energy performance and sustainability, ensuring a future-ready development that meets the highest standards.